lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010


This summer was one of the best summers of my life. At the beginning of June my parents and I went to LA for a week to see some of their friends and to do a little shopping. When we got back, like two weeks later, my cousins and my uncle from France came to visit us. They stayed here for two weeks, we went to the beach, swam with the dolphins, and visited. After the two weeks, we went to France with them to visit my grandma and my grandpa that have a beautiful house down in Marseille, south of France. My cousins and I were getting ready to go to a sports camp in Vichy. We were all so excited, the camp had class in the mornings and sports in the afternoon and I had a feeling it was going to be great and ,of course, I was not wrong. We met such amazing people over at the camp, the activities were incredibly fun, and everything was just perfect. We stayed there two weeks and I honestly still think it was not enough. After the camp, we stayed one more week in France so I could spend some time with my grandparents and visit with them for a bit. Later on that week, I was back home as fast as I knew it. This summer was just super! There is no words to describe it and it was not enough.

One thing I would like to do for myself, even though we just came back from summer and a whole two months of pure relaxing, is rest. It's only been three days of school counting today and I am awfully tired, my eyes are almost closing in every class and we wake up way too early. Plus, it's only been three days of school and we have had loads of homework and its just the beginning. Not only that, but those boxes we have and these new rules from school are really scarying me out, now I MUST finish my homework completely and obey every single rule. Not only that but, in the day I have different sorts of sport activities and I finish around eight so I'm already very tired before I even start my homework. In addition, the weekends are not enough, two days to sleep late is nothing, we should go on weeks sleeping late.These are the reasons I need to rest, I am so tired, I just wish I could go a whole day sleeping.

A part of me that makes me very special is my heart. My heart is the simplest pumping thing you will ever meet. It is huge and fits many different people that are important to me in there. Also, it is very sweet and outgoing, it talks to everyone, smiles at people it doesn't even know,
its always nice no matter what, and its always there for you in any situation. My heart is open to everybody that deserves the chance to be opened to or if that person deserves it, you hurt it once you won't ever get to talk to it again, you are good it will treat you the same way. It is patient, some people have a hard time to really get to know this thing but after some time they realize there's only good in it. It will never hurt you, the last thing it would do is that, it only wants to spread out that good vibe. My heart makes me a very special person and it always has, if it weren't for that I'd be nothing.