viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010
Audacity Project 2
After handing in our project, we listened to each other's mash-up. Most of them were on beat and had sort of a story behind them. Others, had different sounds that had no meaning at all but, sounded good with together. I thought the best one was Elena's, she had various beats and rhythms and none of them repeated, except the one sound that was in the background that made it excellent. She also had a lot of pauses which made it longer and let other sounds be heard, unlike mine that each sound came with another and everything was all mixed. In addition, I enjoyed Renata's. Her mash-up had a story behind it that made it even more interesting. She also used many sounds that sounded good with each other, it made her project sound complete. As you can see, all the mash-ups were really good, but only some of them stood out due to their originality.
miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010
Mash-Up #1 End Product
viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010
miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010
Erika's project was very interesting, I thought she did a very good job. What I liked about her project was that it was very realistic, someone could actually use this in the future. Also, I liked the way she changed the appereance of the person in a way that it still was the same but it specific details were modified, it made it look professional. A photoshop skill I see in her artifact is the one she used to change the eye color. I would like to learn this because maybe later on someones eyes are red in a picture and I would want to change it to their natural color. Not only that but, it was be cool to change peoples eye color in a picture so they look better. She also used a tool to change the background to make it look more antique, I would like to learn that too. As you can see, Erika's project is completely real and fascinating.
If this artifact would be out for people to use I would totally like it. To start with, I would use it every once in a while to change my appearance to look better and to feel prettier. Personally, I think this artifact might be out in the future since there has been different machines and tools invented for people to use to look more glamourous or different. Plus, as time goes by, people are buying more and more products for their face and skin so it would be popular buy. I would be the favorite costumer, I would buy this artifact and if it get's wrecked I would buy a new one over and over again. I would even buy extra just in case. This artifact would change everybody's life since people would be looking so much better and more alive all the time. As you can see, I would like this artifact same as everybody else.
lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010
lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010
Artifact From the Future
miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010
Family Gathering

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010
Family Tree
miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010
Family Tree

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010
This summer was one of the best summers of my life. At the beginning of June my parents and I went to LA for a week to see some of their friends and to do a little shopping. When we got back, like two weeks later, my cousins and my uncle from France came to visit us. They stayed here for two weeks, we went to the beach, swam with the dolphins, and visited. After the two weeks, we went to France with them to visit my grandma and my grandpa that have a beautiful house down in Marseille, south of France. My cousins and I were getting ready to go to a sports camp in Vichy. We were all so excited, the camp had class in the mornings and sports in the afternoon and I had a feeling it was going to be great and ,of course, I was not wrong. We met such amazing people over at the camp, the activities were incredibly fun, and everything was just perfect. We stayed there two weeks and I honestly still think it was not enough. After the camp, we stayed one more week in France so I could spend some time with my grandparents and visit with them for a bit. Later on that week, I was back home as fast as I knew it. This summer was just super! There is no words to describe it and it was not enough.
One thing I would like to do for myself, even though we just came back from summer and a whole two months of pure relaxing, is rest. It's only been three days of school counting today and I am awfully tired, my eyes are almost closing in every class and we wake up way too early. Plus, it's only been three days of school and we have had loads of homework and its just the beginning. Not only that, but those boxes we have and these new rules from school are really scarying me out, now I MUST finish my homework completely and obey every single rule. Not only that but, in the day I have different sorts of sport activities and I finish around eight so I'm already very tired before I even start my homework. In addition, the weekends are not enough, two days to sleep late is nothing, we should go on weeks sleeping late.These are the reasons I need to rest, I am so tired, I just wish I could go a whole day sleeping.
A part of me that makes me very special is my heart. My heart is the simplest pumping thing you will ever meet. It is huge and fits many different people that are important to me in there. Also, it is very sweet and outgoing, it talks to everyone, smiles at people it doesn't even know,
its always nice no matter what, and its always there for you in any situation. My heart is open to everybody that deserves the chance to be opened to or if that person deserves it, you hurt it once you won't ever get to talk to it again, you are good it will treat you the same way. It is patient, some people have a hard time to really get to know this thing but after some time they realize there's only good in it. It will never hurt you, the last thing it would do is that, it only wants to spread out that good vibe. My heart makes me a very special person and it always has, if it weren't for that I'd be nothing.
martes, 1 de junio de 2010
Spring Map Testing

My feelings of this last testing we had are much better than the October MAP testings. In October my scores weren't that good, they were pretty average and I wasn't very proud about myself. I think it was because of the week, there were many things going on like halloween and my mind was just set into something else. Besides that, I wasn't getting that much sleep since we had loads of homework, I guess it was just the wrong week. Also, the process seemed different, in October it was going kind of slow. Unlike this spring, it was just much harder and boring to have to sit infront of a computer answering 52 questions. Spring was very easy for me and it went very fast. Not only that but, it was in a perfect week, we weren't having any tests nor any homework. Plus, its the last one this year, what a relief! In conclusion, last weeks MAP testings were the best this year.
miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010
martes, 11 de mayo de 2010
miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010
Earth Day Peer Evalutations
When I graded the two videos I was assigned, one from eight and the other from twelveth, I was very impressed. The eighth grade video was a very interesting to watch although I wasn't sure the pictures had much to do with the poem. Also, I thought the lyrics helped a lot with what was going on in the pictures which represented what Earth was actually made of. The twelveth grade video was really professional. The pictures were amazing, they had beautiful sunsets and green forests. Besides that, in a very simple way it explained how we can lose all the pretty things of Earth if we don't start taking care of it. To be honest, they were both great and I really enjoyed grading them.
miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010
I was born in a town called Athlete's Foot, about five hours away from New York City where my friends and I love to go shopping. Athlete's Foot isn't as big as it sounds, it is divided into small neighborhoods, usually with a sports center infront of it since everyone loves doing sports. I live in the smallest neighborhood and as weird as it sounds we all walk around barefoot, at all times no matter what, I'm telling you I have great use of my feet. The school I go to is called Leglock and I've been going to that school my whole life and successfully I've received a great education. All my friends there think I'm different, and I am, I adore going up to people and squeezing their cheecks, is that unusual? Yeah, I thought so, but hey there's nothing wrong about being different.
As you can see, I didn't talk much about myself because I don't think it's that important, I mean I'm 14, I'm medium size, I like to eat, sleep, dream, and spend time with my friends. I am grateful for having a family that loves me and cares about me, for having a home, and getting a good education in a great school. I am very open-minded and I am open to any new friendships.
martes, 16 de marzo de 2010
8th Grade Animation
miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010
12 things to do when there's no power (7)
When the power goes out there are many things you can do. First, you should light up a candle so you can have a little sight of what is going on. Second, you should look for people around you so you don't feel alone and have someone to talk to. Third, you should look for your ipod or something battery or charged-like so your not so bored. Fourth, stay away from anything electrical, like cables plugged-in or stuff like that. Fifth, don't panic nor worry about anything, there must've been a problem. Sixth, hope for the light to come back and laugh about it.
Not only that, but when the power goes out try to act normal or continue whatever you're doing, it's not a big deal. Besides that, call a friend from your cellphone if you have credit, so you both can laugh about it. Eighth thing to do to not get bored is play around with your family, hide something and make them find it without the lights. Nineth, make sure that your not the only one with the power off, that its at least the street or a couple houses. Tenth, don't stay alone in a room by yourself, you might get scared of your shadow or anything around you. Eleventh, don't leave the house until the lights come back on. Last but not least, do not go crazy and running around the house or building, its not going to help anyone or you, be careful with every step you take. In conclusion, these are the twelve things you can do when the power goes off to not be bored and to be safe.
miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010
Sixth Sense
Technology has many advantages and disadvatanges. One of its andvantages is that life is so much easier with these new inventions. We can get informed faster and easier than having to sit infront of a computer and waiting. Besides that, the information we get is much more precise and sometimes it can make our daily life better. Not only that, but we get to interact with the physical world. We can mix things we do in reality with technology like copying information from the computer, grabbing it with our hands, and pasting it on a piece of paper. Even though technology has its advantages it also has its disadvantages. I'm scared to believe that if we use technology in our lives too much, there will be a point where we won't be able to do anything without it. Instead of getting up and and getting some water all you have to do is press a button. Also, people depend so much on this valuable source. Everything is done through technology, from information to communication with others. As you can see, there are many advantages and disadvantages, but we've got to learn how to keep it balanced.
There are many types of open source, and its an easy way to use other peoples ideas. An open source is a site that is opened to everyone, a site where people can use other peoples opinions. I've used open source many times. For example, Facebook is an open source where you can communicate with your friends and share ideas. Another example is moodle, teachers use this site to inform students the homework or create tests. People around the world have access to these sites and are able to use them the same as us. As many things in the world, open source has its advantages and disadvantages. One of its advantage is that people can share or require help from other peoples beliefs. Also, it lets people have access to other sites and be able to enjoy them too. One disadvantage is that people sometimes are too lazy to come up with their own ideas and steal yours. Not only that, but sometimes they take advantage of being able to enter this site and copy every detail. In conclusion, open source is good but also bad in many ways, be careful with what you post.
martes, 5 de enero de 2010
Winter Holiday

Starting winter break I went to Los Angeles to do some shopping for Christmas with my parents and my little brother. We stayed at some friends house in West Hollywood until the 23rd of December. We came back home and wrapped presents for Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve, the 24th, many of my parents friends came over to the house to have some dinner. Around 12 am, my little brother, my cousin, a friend, and I lit up some fireworks. After that, we opened presents and around 3 am everyone was gone. The next day, on Christmas Day, I woke up early to open some presents with my brother that he had gotten from Santa Claus. Christmas this year was full of joy, happiness and presents, hopefully next year will be even better.

In between my winter break I spent most of the time at the beach. There was one day where I went over to a friends house and we tanned at her palapa. Besides that, my parents had some of their friends staying in a house in front of the beach so they wanted to go almost everyday. Also, a friend was visiting from Guadalajara so she wanted to take advantage of the beach. There were other days that were cloudy where I felt like staying home and watching movies without anyone bothering me. In addition, there were other days where I would go to the movies with my parents. I don't think I've ever gone to the beach so much on winter break.