martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009
Facebook Security
Facebook has changed its security measures since the 9th of December. From what I understand the only thing that has changed is now each time you post something you must click if you want everyone too see it or just your friends. I think this new rule has been created because many people are being able to see posts from people they don't have as contacts. Besides that, a lot of kidnapping is going on and with this its going to be easier to prevent it. In my opinion, this new security measure rule is much better and its safer for Facebook users. Hopefully, they will be successful and there will be less stalkers. This will effect the way we use Facebook in many ways. Weird stalkers won't be able to see what we post or go into our pictures even though we don't have them as contacts. Also users will be safer and have less preoccupations. As you can see, this will help Facebook continue in history.
martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009
These past days we've done three typing tests. Our first test was the 24th of November and it was of 25 min. My growth speed was of 34 wpm, accuracy of 55% and net speed of 19 wpm. The next day I didn't do as well/ My growth speed was of 37 wpm, accuracy of 30% and net speed of 11 wpm. On the 1st of December we had 26 min. to complete the test and I did much better than the two times. My growth speed was of 36 wpm, accuracy of 89% and net speed of 32 wpm. I think what I'm doing well is concentrating. The short comings of this typing tests are probably to make us more accurate when we write or to make us type faster and better. The difference between gross speed and net speed is that gross speed is the growth of my speed whereas net speed is the comparation of your speed to other speeds throughout the net. My goals for gross speed is 40 wpm, accuracy of 90% and net speed of 35 wpm. I'm positive that I can chieve this before winter break.
miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009
My family are the closest people I have in life. My moms name is Oam and she was born in a little village in Thailand. She lost her dad when she was around seven years old and she lost her mom at 32. We try visiting her adopted sister every summer. My dads name is Marc and he was born in Marseille, France. His both parents are still living and we also try to visit them once every year. They both met each other in a disco in Bangkok, Thailand. They got married in my moms village and decided to move down to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Thats where me and my brother were born, the closest livings in my parents lives.
My name is Emma and I was born in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I learned how to walk at two and I loved to play with my barbies. At seven I always liked making shows for people. When it was my birthday I would dance for people and sing. At 11 I stopped doing all that and growed up. I'm a young lady now, 13 going on 30. I had an amazing infance, I did many crazy things that I won't ever forget. My childhood is the best.
As a teenager I have many hobbies. First, I love sports and anything that involves gym and energy. I like playing, basketball, tennis, and soccer. Recently, I learned how to wakeboard and I am planning on learning how to surf. I don't really have a specific passion, but I really enjoy these sports. Another hobbie I have is facebook and msn. I don't think I can go a day without checking these two beatys. Of course, its not a very good habbit but it can be useful if you use it correctly. Not only that, but I enjoy reading sometimes. If you give me a good book and I really get into it the first time I read it, I will like it and say I like books. If you give me a book that I don't get inside the story in the first or second chapter I won't like it. As you can see, these are my hobbies.
My name is Emma and I was born in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I learned how to walk at two and I loved to play with my barbies. At seven I always liked making shows for people. When it was my birthday I would dance for people and sing. At 11 I stopped doing all that and growed up. I'm a young lady now, 13 going on 30. I had an amazing infance, I did many crazy things that I won't ever forget. My childhood is the best.
As a teenager I have many hobbies. First, I love sports and anything that involves gym and energy. I like playing, basketball, tennis, and soccer. Recently, I learned how to wakeboard and I am planning on learning how to surf. I don't really have a specific passion, but I really enjoy these sports. Another hobbie I have is facebook and msn. I don't think I can go a day without checking these two beatys. Of course, its not a very good habbit but it can be useful if you use it correctly. Not only that, but I enjoy reading sometimes. If you give me a good book and I really get into it the first time I read it, I will like it and say I like books. If you give me a book that I don't get inside the story in the first or second chapter I won't like it. As you can see, these are my hobbies.
miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009
Paramores official website is a little strange. It has a butterfly in the corner that doesn't really fit with Paramores style. Besides that, the colors are sad and aren't vivid. You can get around it very easily, the instructions seem clear. This websites media is lame. It doesn't have interesting pictures nor videos. If I could I would do things very differently. I would take the butterfly in the corner away and replace it with an awesome picture of the band. Also, put darker colors like red or black and more pictures and videos. I think this website could look way better than how it looks now. 6/10
- Gossip Girl
This tv shows website is actually not that bad. It has bright colors, green and white. It is very easy to get around it, the instructions are clear. The media is pretty cool. It has short videos that give a little summary of what is going to happen in the next episode and there are also some pictures that aren't that bad. If I could do something different to this website would be to not give out too much details in the videos so people want to see it more. Besides that, I would put more pictures of the cast. Gossip girl needs to learn how to hide juicy secrets. 9/10
- Adam Sandler
Adam Sandler always makes me laugh in his movies. His website represents his funniness a little. It is blue and has like a hawaiian style. The instructions are very clear and it is easy to get around it since its a small website with a lot of information. The media is good. There are some funny pictures of Adam Sandler, movies hes been in, funny videos, all sorts of things. If I could change something about this website I would put more color or images to the background. Its only blue and there is nothing special about it. Adam Sandler, keep up the good work! 9/10
- Yankees
The yankees are a very united team. Their website is blue and white and it has champions written on it everywhere. It is easy to get around it since all the instructions are clearly said. The media is great. It has pictures and videos of games, players, and even of cups and t-shirts that are being sold with yankees written on them. If I could change something about this website it would probably be to make it shorter. It is a little bit too long and there is way too much information. Go Yankees! 8/10
- Ricardo Kaka
Ricardo Kaka has always been a great football player. His official website is very boring. It is totally grey with a little bit of red on it and there is nothing interesting about it. There isn't any intructions and it doesn't tell you how to get around it. The media is not that good. There are some pictures of Kaka with his football shirt, a video, and a little bit of pictures. If I could change something about this website I would change everything. The background, the colors, the pictures, probably put a couple more videos and add some instructions. This website doesn't represent anything, it can look way better than how it looks now. 5/10
Paramores official website is a little strange. It has a butterfly in the corner that doesn't really fit with Paramores style. Besides that, the colors are sad and aren't vivid. You can get around it very easily, the instructions seem clear. This websites media is lame. It doesn't have interesting pictures nor videos. If I could I would do things very differently. I would take the butterfly in the corner away and replace it with an awesome picture of the band. Also, put darker colors like red or black and more pictures and videos. I think this website could look way better than how it looks now. 6/10
- Gossip Girl
This tv shows website is actually not that bad. It has bright colors, green and white. It is very easy to get around it, the instructions are clear. The media is pretty cool. It has short videos that give a little summary of what is going to happen in the next episode and there are also some pictures that aren't that bad. If I could do something different to this website would be to not give out too much details in the videos so people want to see it more. Besides that, I would put more pictures of the cast. Gossip girl needs to learn how to hide juicy secrets. 9/10
- Adam Sandler
Adam Sandler always makes me laugh in his movies. His website represents his funniness a little. It is blue and has like a hawaiian style. The instructions are very clear and it is easy to get around it since its a small website with a lot of information. The media is good. There are some funny pictures of Adam Sandler, movies hes been in, funny videos, all sorts of things. If I could change something about this website I would put more color or images to the background. Its only blue and there is nothing special about it. Adam Sandler, keep up the good work! 9/10
- Yankees
The yankees are a very united team. Their website is blue and white and it has champions written on it everywhere. It is easy to get around it since all the instructions are clearly said. The media is great. It has pictures and videos of games, players, and even of cups and t-shirts that are being sold with yankees written on them. If I could change something about this website it would probably be to make it shorter. It is a little bit too long and there is way too much information. Go Yankees! 8/10
- Ricardo Kaka
Ricardo Kaka has always been a great football player. His official website is very boring. It is totally grey with a little bit of red on it and there is nothing interesting about it. There isn't any intructions and it doesn't tell you how to get around it. The media is not that good. There are some pictures of Kaka with his football shirt, a video, and a little bit of pictures. If I could change something about this website I would change everything. The background, the colors, the pictures, probably put a couple more videos and add some instructions. This website doesn't represent anything, it can look way better than how it looks now. 5/10
jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009
There are many things I've learned about dreamweaver in these few days. I learned how to create a website. It was amazing to see how easy it was and how fast I did it. Besides that, I learned how to attach different websites to my website, it was pretty fascinating. In addition to this, I was taught how to put pictures and make my website represent me a little bit. Even though I am able to do many things, I want to learn more. I want to put a background to my website, it looks very boring just blank, it needs more me in it. Also, I want to figure out what else dreamweaver can do or achieve. Yes, it does create a website, but what else? Does it do more? Those are the main things I learned, and hopefully those will be the things I'll learn soon.
miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009
"To Read Shelf"

The book that caught my attention was "The Outsiders". Most kids in my class have read it and said it is an amazing book. Although, it mostly got my attention because of what Bego has told me about the book. She says that she hasn't finished it but that shes getting to the best part. She told me a little about what its about and now i'm going to tell you. Its about this boy that decides to join a gang and he doesn't have the best life. He doesn't like his mom nor his eldest brother, he is only with his gang and his middle brother. When he's in the gang his best friend dies and all he has is his stupid gang. He gets in fights and tries to get money but life just seems so hard. I think this book must be pretty dramatical and mysterious, I can't wait to read it!
domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009
Thoughts from Classmates about Social Media
I think most of my classmates and I think the same way. We totally agree that in social media there are people that can't be trusted such as pervs and weird people like that. On the other hand, social media can be fun and theres nothing wrong about it. We all know that we must be taught how to use it correctly to be safe. It is obvious that we as students use internet alot for many reasons. In my opinion, everybody needs, uses and likes social media.
miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009
Map Testing
Map testing week is the worse. It makes me feel so bored and tired that I could fall asleep in the middle of the test. Sometimes I don't even know if i'm thinking or guessing or I'm just cliking on answers to finish. I get so frustrated and wish I could just skip the whole week. If i'm having a really good day and slept well I would probably be less frustrated but I still wouldn't want to take the test. Map testing should only be once a year instead of three times a year. Its just not worth it, its too tiring and in my opinion its a waste of time.
I don't think map tests affect me as much as they do to others. I don't take map tests too seriously. First of all, because they aren't for a grade and second because I don't usually try my best. Teachers say that map tests are very helpful for them to see our level and to help us but I don't think its true. Most teachers just teach us what were supposed to be taught and what were supposed to know at that level. Just because map tests says were lower or higher doesn't mean the teacher is going to go to our level. Map tests should only be taken once in a while just to see if we are at our level if not theres not really a reason to take them. Maybe some kids actually need to take them to see at what level they should be at, the rest shouldn´t be worried about these tests.
There are many things I would change about map tests. First, I'd make them less long. All map tests are at least 50 questions or less, that is way too much. No wonder most kids just
click on answers and don't feel like concentrating. Second, I wouldnt do them on the computer. I think that tests on computers distract you alot and can sometimes tire your eyes. Third, I would try not to put in repeating questions or very similar. I find it stupid that they do this, its not worth it, if we do a similar question and get it wrong the first time its probable we will get it wrong again. Those are the three things I would change completely and for sure.
I don't think map tests affect me as much as they do to others. I don't take map tests too seriously. First of all, because they aren't for a grade and second because I don't usually try my best. Teachers say that map tests are very helpful for them to see our level and to help us but I don't think its true. Most teachers just teach us what were supposed to be taught and what were supposed to know at that level. Just because map tests says were lower or higher doesn't mean the teacher is going to go to our level. Map tests should only be taken once in a while just to see if we are at our level if not theres not really a reason to take them. Maybe some kids actually need to take them to see at what level they should be at, the rest shouldn´t be worried about these tests.
There are many things I would change about map tests. First, I'd make them less long. All map tests are at least 50 questions or less, that is way too much. No wonder most kids just
click on answers and don't feel like concentrating. Second, I wouldnt do them on the computer. I think that tests on computers distract you alot and can sometimes tire your eyes. Third, I would try not to put in repeating questions or very similar. I find it stupid that they do this, its not worth it, if we do a similar question and get it wrong the first time its probable we will get it wrong again. Those are the three things I would change completely and for sure.
martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009
Social Network
I am involved in social networking in many ways. I use Facebook, Myspace, I have a GoodReads account for computer class, I go on Google for information and I use Youtube once and a while I started using Facebook last year and now I use it very often.
I've had Myspace for a longer time but I barely use it now, its a little hard to use and nobody uses it anymore. I almost never go to my GoodReads account, i've only used it two times and its not that fun. I only go to Google when
teachers give me homework and tell me to investigate something. When I want to watch videos or I have nothing to do I go to Youtube. These are some examples of how i'm involved in social networking.
Social Network can be dangerous. Some examples are preditors like pervs that will ask you many questions and steel you. Besides that, they might try to steel your identity. The only way we can protect ourselves from this is by not putting too much or real information about our identity. Also, to not have too much communication with people you don't know.
Our edudaction needs to change by teaching us how to use technology well and the right way. In addition, they need to teach us how to stay away from predetors and not give out information about ourselves. As you can see, social network can be dangerous and we need to be prepared for a world dominated in social media.

Social Network can be dangerous. Some examples are preditors like pervs that will ask you many questions and steel you. Besides that, they might try to steel your identity. The only way we can protect ourselves from this is by not putting too much or real information about our identity. Also, to not have too much communication with people you don't know.
Our edudaction needs to change by teaching us how to use technology well and the right way. In addition, they need to teach us how to stay away from predetors and not give out information about ourselves. As you can see, social network can be dangerous and we need to be prepared for a world dominated in social media.
domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009
My Blog
At first I didn't understand how this Bloggers thing worked. I found it a little hard and confusing to understand. After a while I got it and tried to make my blog unique and original, although I haven't put too much time on it. I think the only reason I would use my blog is when Mr. Picketts asks us too. Its not that interesting as facebook and theres not mcuh to do on it except put pictures and write new "entradas". Now i'm going to tell you a little bit about me, I don't want to get to broad. I'm 13, I was born in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and i've lived here all my life. I think Vallarta is a fun place and I really enjoy living here. I go to the American School and i've been going to this school for 10 years now. I'm planning on leaving for a year, to take a break from the American School, in 9th or 10th grade. I might go to France to learn how write and read French better, because I can speak it perfectly, or maybe somewhere in the United States or Canada. As I said, I don't want to get too broad so thats all i'm saying. Enjoy my wonderful blog :)
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